

- News,Health,Scientific news,D11,United Kingdom

HIV/AIDS remains a major global health challenge, with an estimated 39 million people living with the disease and 1.5 million new infections each year. Though antiretroviral therapy provides effective treatment and prevention, limitations arise due…

- General news,Scientific news,SHARPER

The SHARPER instrument at the ILL came online during the second 2024 reactor cycle, which run for 16 May to 9 June. SHARPER is a time-focusing time-of-flight spectrometer designed for quasi-elastic and inelastic scattering built and operated at the…

- News,Environment,Energy,Scientific news,IN1 TAS/Lagrange

The replacement of fossil fuels with renewable energy is a key requirement to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. Energy storage systems are a crucial technology for this global energy transition due to the intermittent nature of…

- News,Soft matter,Scientific news,D33,France

From drug delivery to the development of responsive materials, self-assembled supramolecular structures have many applications. Understanding their organisation and reaction to external parameters is key. In a new study, researchers explore the…

- General news,European news,Scientific news

An agreement has just been signed between the ILL and the ESS for ILL to manufacture the detector for the CSPEC instrument at the ESS.

- Biology Health,General news

The PSB spotlight on “Neutrons in Biology” took place on 29 June 2024, gathering more than 50 participants from the four institutes of the EPN campus (European Photon and Neutron campus) in Grenoble.

- News,Health,Chemistry,Industry - Pharmaceuticals,Scientific news,D16

A recently published study uses neutron and X-ray scattering to deepen our understanding of freeze-drying protein stabilisation processes, widely used in biopharmaceutical applications. The results obtained for a protein relevant for pharmaceutical…

- News,General news

ILL researcher Alessandro Tengattini has just been awarded a research chair at the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) to develop a five-year research project exploiting the combined neutrons and X-ray imaging capabilities of the NeXT instrument…

- News,General news

The third and final meeting of the Science Strategy Working Group was held at the ILL on June 17 and 18.

- Highlights,Industry - Agriculture & Food,Press releases,Scientific news,D22

A recently published study uses neutron scattering to shed light on texturisation - the black box for plant-based meat analogues - through in-situ real-time observations of the process. The challenge is increasingly relevant for the food industry as…